Life continues past the months of June, July, and August and so must the counselors of Day Camp.


Three Weeks Down

Hey team, thus far life could be categorized as "real busy". I do the whole full-time job thing and then I'm taking classes still at Davis, depriving me of both the fun off-hour schedule of classes and the after-hours free time of a full-time job. It wears me down a bit but it's hard to complain when the full-time job is pretty fun and my classmates fairly agreeable.

The biggest challenge thus far has been a freshman in my fifth period algebra class, the sorta kid who seems possessed of the energy and problems of two kids. Well, I came to find out, through chatting with his junior high, that he is two kids. He's an identical twin, and he and his brother switch in and out of each other's classes mostly at will. I've been around identical twins before and these two are really identical. I'm trying to figure a way to tell them apart, hopefully one that won't require permanently disfiguring one of them. Is cattle branding permanent?

The school sent me my school pictures last week, but there must've been some mistake 'cause I got some high school kid's photos. Good-looking kid and all, but nothing like any teacher I've ever seen.

Currently curious about:
  • the status of Lark's Canadian parliament takeover.
  • Flip and Snorts' re-integration into Colorado life.
  • Scout's roommate
  • Disco's rent payments
  • Who's college experience
  • the Day Camp couples: Montana/Frodo and Tuesday/Bruin


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