Life continues past the months of June, July, and August and so must the counselors of Day Camp.


Day Camp 2008....

well guys...this first week has been crazy in ways that none of my previous training weeks have ever been! The new theme around Mount Hermon is "unity" which means that on top of all of the normal training week madness morning and evening meetings were added to the schedule to promote that unity among the staff-they are also trying to promote famiy unity among the confrees which means a new Sunday nite opener instead of program that includes ALL the campers (adult, high school, day camp age, etc). So DC was given the task of performing "we're all in this together" for the opener! So despite long hours in meetings, long hours dancing, and all the rest of the usual training week activities WE MADE IT!

Day Camp looks AwEsOmE! It's the Acme props closet which means anvils, TNT, bombs, caution tape,TONS of boxes full of crazy acme props!, a tornado-in-a-box that is coming out of its box! some crazy wildcats that have been released! and lots of other fun looney cartoon stuff! If you get a chance please come and see it! it is super fun an funky!
The dance is also pretty incredible...i am so proud of them all....if you want the chance to see bro pretending to be zac efron (or i think troy bolton in the movies case) or Dash being the metro-theatre-obsessed friend DEFINATLY come by some sunday is WELL worth it. After dress rehersal Thursday nite it was described as "an explosiong of glitter"...i don't think i can put it any better than that.

Now the most fun and important part...the new staff is incredible! they dove right into a training week that ran the most entergetic of us ragged and worked so hard and are going to be great counselors! i'll get a picture up ASAP but until then heres the run down of staff...Gidget-craft director, maverick:dash:Bro:myself-team leaders, skitch:banjo:dutch:pixie:slider:salsa:smiles-returners! who are all amazing...AND drumroll please the new guys!!! Clutch, yuke, and coach! and the new girls! munckin, grommit, freckles, and sprout(whom bro has in brotherly love dubbed "prune"....huh) i said before:picture asap.

So theres update numero uno....please be praying for us and the campers and that we are just radiantly shining God's incredible love to all the kids we come in contact with this summer! With all the changes around here we will definatly be on our toes all the time! And come by and check DC and us out when you're in the neighborhood! because we are going to be having an explosively good time!!! Love you all!

a tired but excited Nova :)


Blogger Race said...

nova just READING your update makes me tired! man, i'm jealous. can't wait to stop by as soon as the ucsc madness dies down.
with all the changes, can we still count on sunday night sing in the chapel?
the new and returning crew will be in my thoughts and prayers :)

2:31 PM

Blogger Casey said...

yes yes...still a sunday nite sing!

5:23 PM

Blogger Spiffer said...

That's great to hear! Change sometimes frightens me. I'm so glad the newbies are great. I've been praying and will keep on praying for you guys! I can't wait to visit when I get some time off of work. Ahh, the "real world". Boo hoo. Have fun this summer!

10:21 AM

Blogger alexandra said...

yay! thanks so much, nova for the updates! it's great to hear about all the things you guys are doing! i can't wait to see pictures and perchance come visit (and definitely on a sunday night, now!! :))


11:51 AM

Blogger Dr. Love said...

Okay Nova, I totally did the drum-roll when you told us who the new guys were.

I'll be down not this but next Sunday night (29th). And I totally want to see you guys dance the dance of unity. Time? Location?

8:30 AM

Blogger Race said...

ok wow well now there are like thirty reasons why i need to get down there on a sunday night!!

5:21 PM


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