Life continues past the months of June, July, and August and so must the counselors of Day Camp.


life update.

So things are going well in my life. I've been really focused on music lately, which is great and makes me really happy. As for Day Camp, well, I got an email saying that I might not be hired because of my schedule. I am moving to San Francisco and tranferring schools and it starts August 16, which means I'd have to move in by the 14th, which would be stressful as it is. Also, I'd have to take a week off for Michael's wedding, so there is a chance I won't be there this summer. If that is the case, I'd love to come and visit and crash on someone's floor. I do have a lot of alternatives this summer, some that would be really great for me in the long run. As I said, I have been really focused on music (you can go to to listen to what I recorded yesterday...there is only one song right now, but there should be more by weekend's end). My friend actually is doing a guest DJ spot on Live105 (any of you Bay Area folks should know it) and he is going to play one of my songs, which is really exciting. Not sure when it'll be played, but his set is getting recorded monday. My job is going great, a little stressful at times, but it's nice to feel like I am doing something. All around, things have been going pretty well. I feel great about the friends I have and there's a new girl in my life, which is nice. Can't really think about anything else happening, mainly just a lot of focusing on music...which school keeps trying to get in the way of. I hope all is well with everyone, I'll keep ya updated on summer plans. Cheers,


Blogger Jonathan said...

Your in my prayers!

4:01 PM

Blogger Dr. Love said...

Screw the floor. If everything works out with this place I'm looking into at the mount you can stay on my couch.


8:14 AM


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