Life continues past the months of June, July, and August and so must the counselors of Day Camp.


New Years Extravaganza [The Last Update]

Alright, it's on. Many thanks to those who filled out le questionnaire in advance. Those who didn't will hopefully toss one in the mix when they get here.

If you're a boy, you're showing up the 28th (tomorrow) sometime late afternoon.

If you're a girl, or a boy who couldn't hang out on the 28th, you're showing up on the 30th sometime late afternoon.

Whether you're a girl or a boy, you're gonna want to find 3 Glen Alpine Rd. You might could look it up on the Internet but a better idea is to drive down Conference Drive past Day Camp, past Pine, past anywhere you thought might've been civilization, and then stop just before you crash.

Park on Conference. Look out to your left for the red two-story. If my silver Honda's outside, that's where it's at. You'll go down some steps. Go past the top-story. Dude who lives there is mean. Bottom story is the party.

Sleeping bag, smiles, and spending money. Check.

Knives, drugs, iPods, cell phones, two-piece bathing suits. Check 'em at the door.

Can't wait to see you guys!


Stuck? Call Rudy: 661.809.1908.


Blogger Spiffer said...

It's on.

10:19 PM

Blogger Dr. Love said...

Aww, and I was sooo looking forward to wearing my two piece!

10:39 PM

Blogger alexandra said...

i heard the dude on the 2nd story is skinny and sits in front of his computer all day.

that = not scary. nice try.

7:39 PM

Blogger Melinda said...

Hey gang!! So far Rudy and I have been enjoying the laughs and What Nots that have been going on, from the 2nd story window.

Nothing Better then driving home and hearing giggles and yelling from that second story!

Can't wait to see you all!

Don't Forget
Your blankets
a towel
and if your choose an Areo bed.
The Rest we have covered!

And Yes if your lost give Rudy or I a call. Someone Should answer

Mup: 661.805.5424
Much love

1:43 PM


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