Life continues past the months of June, July, and August and so must the counselors of Day Camp.


My Post

Don't miss the update under the video. Gator is lame

Who By Spiff

  1. One of my favorite interviews.
  2. Who is right. We kinda dominated the girls.
  3. "Can I borrow your teeth?" Man, I miss that.
Still Up For Votes:
  1. Chilly By Gator [2]
  2. Fish By Chilly
  3. Tuesday By Fish [3]
  4. Disco By Tuesday [1]
  5. Montana By Disco
  6. Snorts By Montana [3]
  7. Flip By Snorts [2]
  8. Lark By Flip [3]
  9. Bruin By Lark [1]
  10. Spidey By Bruin [1]
  11. Scout By Spidey [2]
  12. Rudy By Scout [3]
  13. Spiff By Rudy [-1]
  14. Who By Spiff [1]
  15. Crush By Who [1]
  16. Frodo By Crush [3]
  17. Gator By Frodo
  18. Gator By Gator [5]

Day Camp 07

Hello everyone! I hope you all are having a great summer so far. I think this might be the first post I have done since last year. Sad. Sorry. I still love all of you. This is just a DC update. Summer is going great. We just took our Staff picture last week so as soon as I get a hold of it I can post it for you to see all the new couselors. Everything is going GREAT! We have a awesome staff and I hope you all come and visit this summer! This is a lame update


Spiff by Rudy

  1. Haw haw haw! If I were Spidey, Fish, or Frodo, I'd be sooo pissed! Haw!
  2. Nothing more important than touch? Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was watching The View. Lemme see here.
  3. Gave Spiff four questions 'cause his answers are all so damn good.
Still Up For Votes:
  1. Chilly By Gator [2]
  2. Fish By Chilly
  3. Tuesday By Fish [3]
  4. Disco By Tuesday [1]
  5. Montana By Disco
  6. Snorts By Montana [3]
  7. Flip By Snorts [2]
  8. Lark By Flip [3]
  9. Bruin By Lark [1]
  10. Spidey By Bruin [1]
  11. Scout By Spidey [2]
  12. Rudy By Scout [3]
  13. Spiff By Rudy [-1]
  14. Who By Spiff [1]
  15. Crush By Who [1]
  16. Frodo By Crush [3]
  17. Gator By Frodo
  18. Gator By Gator [5]


Scout by Spidey

  1. Happy birthday, Spidey.
  2. Hey any of you guys remember the third staff meeting of the summer back in '02 when Spidey yarked in front of everyone over the smell of potted meat? Oh man, who do I have to kill to make that one happen again? Fish? Oh man, I hope it's Fish.
Still Up For Votes:
  1. Chilly By Gator [2]
  2. Fish By Chilly
  3. Tuesday By Fish [3]
  4. Disco By Tuesday [1]
  5. Montana By Disco
  6. Snorts By Montana [3]
  7. Flip By Snorts [2]
  8. Lark By Flip [3]
  9. Bruin By Lark [1]
  10. Spidey By Bruin [1]
  11. Scout By Spidey [2]
  12. Rudy By Scout [3]
  13. Spiff By Rudy [-1]
  14. Who By Spiff [1]
  15. Crush By Who [1]
  16. Frodo By Crush [3]
  17. Gator By Frodo
  18. Gator By Gator [5]


Hey Snaps!

Sissy says "hi" and she misses you. Look how much she's grown!

I'm pretty sure I'm in for the wedding, I just have to check air fares from SD. Congratulations again!
And Fish: Daniel and Ethan are so excited to write you, you'll probably be getting something from them soon. I hope all is well, I hardly check the blog with DC up and running, but it's hilarious! Take care.


save the date

s a v e t h e d a t e !

so, here's the deal,
i want you all to be at my wedding. every single one of you.

my dc family are the friends that i TRULY want at my wedding...
you are the ones i find my "community" in...

i know that i don't have all of your addresses, and i've tried... i really have, but there's a million people on my list, and i (surprise, surprise) am super un-organized in life, and in my wedding invitations.


so, please, Please, PLEASE don't hold that against me.

the date's september 1st, labor day.
it's in the evening... in newcastle, california... my parents house!

let me know if you're interested in coming, and PLEASE email or text me your address... i suck.


Rules Video 2007


sushi has a secret admirer....

and, no, it's not me...! haha...

a couple weeks ago, i went to get my hair done in petaluma, by a really great guy named scott, as seen in this picture.

let's just say it was already weird because, if you weren't aware, michael, meredith, matthew, and mer's best friend miriam (pixie) all modeled for this hair place... hence, portraits all over the place. so here's the one of matt. in the BATHROOM. i walk into the bathroom, and holy hell, there's a freaking shrine to matt. within prime vision from the toilet seat. so, i walk in with the audible words, "whoa there..." i'm telling you, it's a freaking SHRINE.

so, scott's like, "yeah, don't you just think he is soooooo hot?" [in a very sing-song and dreamy voice] "...i just think he is soooo hot... i look at this picture every day!"

so, i am able to manage something like, "...uh yeah, he's my friend, actually..."

wherein, i received a "OMG! tell me alllllll about him!"

yeah. interesting.

but funny enough to take pictures and share it with you.

hope you enjoy my awkwardly amazing moment as much as i did.

don't worry, i put in a good word for you, matthew.



Y'all wanna see the Rules Video?

Lemme hear ya say "Nightstalker!"

Lemme hear ya say "Heyyyy!"


Rejected Rules Video Concept


Spidey by Bruin

  1. Cute! If you get bored, play "spot the gator."
Still Up For Votes:
  1. Chilly By Gator [2]
  2. Fish By Chilly
  3. Tuesday By Fish [3]
  4. Disco By Tuesday [1]
  5. Montana By Disco
  6. Snorts By Montana [3]
  7. Flip By Snorts [2]
  8. Lark By Flip [3]
  9. Bruin By Lark [1]
  10. Spidey By Bruin [1]
  11. Scout By Spidey [2]
  12. Rudy By Scout [3]
  13. Spiff By Rudy [-1]
  14. Who By Spiff [1]
  15. Crush By Who [1]
  16. Frodo By Crush [3]
  17. Gator By Frodo
  18. Gator By Gator [5]


Bruin by Lark

  1. Two of the world's nicest people mixin' it up. *snore*
  2. "She lived fiercely."
  3. Check out the gnarly comment a kid left on Fish's Crib:
    hey fish i hope you know kids watch this and i am a kid who goes to mt. hermon ~please make your vidios clean(NOT CLEAN FOR KIDS like me!!!!!)
    Really, I should've taken stronger steps to keep this from happening, but short of everyone getting YouTube accounts and keeping this private, it was bound to happen. Any thoughts?
On Deck:
  1. Spidey by Bruin
Still Up For Votes:
  1. Chilly By Gator [2]
  2. Fish By Chilly
  3. Tuesday By Fish [3]
  4. Disco By Tuesday [1]
  5. Montana By Disco
  6. Snorts By Montana [3]
  7. Flip By Snorts [2]
  8. Lark By Flip [3]
  9. Bruin By Lark [1]
  10. Spidey By Bruin [1]
  11. Scout By Spidey [2]
  12. Rudy By Scout [3]
  13. Spiff By Rudy [-1]
  14. Who By Spiff [1]
  15. Crush By Who [1]
  16. Frodo By Crush [3]
  17. Gator By Frodo
  18. Gator By Gator [5]


Happy Birthday Girl!

Lark By Flip

  1. Happy birthday, Chilly.
On Deck:
  1. Bruin by Lark
Still Up For Votes:
  1. Chilly By Gator [2]
  2. Fish By Chilly
  3. Tuesday By Fish [3]
  4. Disco By Tuesday [1]
  5. Montana By Disco
  6. Snorts By Montana [3]
  7. Flip By Snorts [2]
  8. Lark By Flip [3]
  9. Bruin By Lark [1]
  10. Spidey By Bruin [1]
  11. Scout By Spidey [2]
  12. Rudy By Scout [3]
  13. Spiff By Rudy [-1]
  14. Who By Spiff [1]
  15. Crush By Who [1]
  16. Frodo By Crush [3]
  17. Gator By Frodo
  18. Gator By Gator [5]


Flip by Snorts

  1. "Pretty much. It could work out. We could make it work."
On Deck:
  1. Lark By Flip
Still Up For Votes:
  1. Chilly By Gator [2]
  2. Fish By Chilly
  3. Tuesday By Fish [3]
  4. Disco By Tuesday [1]
  5. Montana By Disco
  6. Snorts By Montana [3]
  7. Flip By Snorts [2]
  8. Lark By Flip [3]
  9. Bruin By Lark [1]
  10. Spidey By Bruin [1]
  11. Scout By Spidey [2]
  12. Rudy By Scout [3]
  13. Spiff By Rudy [-1]
  14. Who By Spiff [1]
  15. Crush By Who [1]
  16. Frodo By Crush [3]
  17. Gator By Frodo
  18. Gator By Gator [5]


Snorts by Montana

  1. Nice to see Snorts' handling of the same bear trap Tuesday gave Disco.
On Deck:
  1. Flip By Snorts
Still Up For Votes:
  1. Chilly By Gator [2]
  2. Fish By Chilly
  3. Tuesday By Fish [3]
  4. Disco By Tuesday [1]
  5. Montana By Disco
  6. Snorts By Montana [3]
  7. Flip By Snorts [2]
  8. Lark By Flip [3]
  9. Bruin By Lark [1]
  10. Spidey By Bruin [1]
  11. Scout By Spidey [2]
  12. Rudy By Scout [3]
  13. Spiff By Rudy [-1]
  14. Who By Spiff [1]
  15. Crush By Who [1]
  16. Frodo By Crush [3]
  17. Gator By Frodo
  18. Gator By Gator [5]


It's been Long enough

Hi Day camp family,
So, yes i have been absent from ANY and ALL day camp lives! I have a valid reason, I don't see you guys so I don't wanna look on this thing and become sad. So, I have done the opposite, tried to forget Day Camp. Well, it hasn't been working and I miss you all and Day Camp more than ever! I don't know what has been keeping me from seeing any of you or at least talking to you guys but that is just how it has been. Alright, enough excuses, YES i have been in Africa for about the last 2.5 months and I got back this last week. I am still Jet Lagged and can't really sleep in. YES I did meet a girl there, a lot of girls actually. NO, NO, NO! I am not engaged! I wish. I know, that was probably a big disappointment...sorry Chilly. But, okay i can't lie, i did kinda meet a girl there. I won't go into too many details, don't want to bore you all with a long written return from my absence (i still want you guys to like me). And YES I do like this girl. Nothing is happening though that doesn't mean nothing will happen, ask me again in about a year. She's a great girl and really was a blast to hang out with in Africa while i was there hanging out with my parents and meeting some crazy people.
Ummm...Gator, I think i DO look different but i guess i can't be the ultimate judge on that. It's been like what 2 years since i have seen any of you, in like a real significant way. I watched the videos and the one of me is so young. Was I really that young when i went to Day Camp the first summer? Strange!
Now, i think i am done. I miss you all and you guys can email me some time please. joe.cabalka at so please send me something. I can't wait.


somebody's a little shy about their birthday.....

its the big guy's birthday. give him a hoot or a ha!


Birthday weekend......

it's jayber's birthday!!!!!!


Montana by Disco

  1. The only interview that makes me feel uncomfortable watching.

Still Up For Votes:
  1. Chilly By Gator [2]
  2. Fish By Chilly
  3. Tuesday By Fish [3]
  4. Disco By Tuesday [1]
  5. Montana By Disco
  6. Snorts By Montana [3]
  7. Flip By Snorts [2]
  8. Lark By Flip [3]
  9. Bruin By Lark [1]
  10. Spidey By Bruin [1]
  11. Scout By Spidey [2]
  12. Rudy By Scout [3]
  13. Spiff By Rudy [-1]
  14. Who By Spiff [1]
  15. Crush By Who [1]
  16. Frodo By Crush [3]
  17. Gator By Frodo
  18. Gator By Gator [5]


Disco By Tuesday

  1. ObJECTionable content.
  2. NC-17!
  3. If this is what I left in, imagine the stuff I had to censor.
  4. (Um, seriously, tamest interview ever, but kind of impossible not to miss Disco a little after her answer to the bonus question, right?)

Still Up For Votes:
  1. Chilly By Gator [2]
  2. Fish By Chilly
  3. Tuesday By Fish [3]
  4. Disco By Tuesday [1]
  5. Montana By Disco
  6. Snorts By Montana [3]
  7. Flip By Snorts [2]
  8. Lark By Flip [3]
  9. Bruin By Lark [1]
  10. Spidey By Bruin [1]
  11. Scout By Spidey [2]
  12. Rudy By Scout [3]
  13. Spiff By Rudy [-1]
  14. Who By Spiff [1]
  15. Crush By Who [1]
  16. Frodo By Crush [3]
  17. Gator By Frodo
  18. Gator By Gator [5]


Fish By Chilly

  1. Haw haw. "I think that politics allows the capacity for change." I thought we were at summer camp here, Fish. Not Nerd Summit 2003. Ahhhhh! Watch Chilly immediately regret the question.
  2. BwaHAHAHAha!
  3. Put it on your calendar. Day Camp New Years at the White House 2032!

On Deck:
  1. TBA. Just kinda throwing stuff at the wall at this point.

Still Up For Votes:
  1. Chilly By Gator [2]
  2. Fish By Chilly
  3. Tuesday By Fish [3]
  4. Disco By Tuesday [1]
  5. Montana By Disco
  6. Snorts By Montana [3]
  7. Flip By Snorts [2]
  8. Lark By Flip [3]
  9. Bruin By Lark [1]
  10. Spidey By Bruin [1]
  11. Scout By Spidey [2]
  12. Rudy By Scout [3]
  13. Spiff By Rudy [-1]
  14. Who By Spiff [1]
  15. Crush By Who [1]
  16. Frodo By Crush [3]
  17. Gator By Frodo
  18. Gator By Gator [5]


Chilly By Gator

  1. Poor Chilly.
  2. Not as funny as I thought it was at the time.

On Deck:
  1. TBA. Just kinda throwing stuff at the wall at this point.

Still Up For Votes:
  1. Chilly By Gator [2]
  2. Fish By Chilly
  3. Tuesday By Fish [3]
  4. Disco By Tuesday [1]
  5. Montana By Disco
  6. Snorts By Montana [3]
  7. Flip By Snorts [2]
  8. Lark By Flip [3]
  9. Bruin By Lark [1]
  10. Spidey By Bruin [1]
  11. Scout By Spidey [2]
  12. Rudy By Scout [3]
  13. Spiff By Rudy [-1]
  14. Who By Spiff [1]
  15. Crush By Who [1]
  16. Frodo By Crush [3]
  17. Gator By Frodo
  18. Gator By Gator [5]